What is the meaning of the symbolism behind the words and phrases in these verses?

Thomas R. Valletta

Put on thy strength. Refers to putting on the authority of the priesthood (D&C 113:8).

Uncircumcised and the unclean. Disobedient, sinners, or disbelieving Gentiles. Zion will be free of all such (cf. Joel 3:17).

Arise, sit down. Get up from the dust, where slaves must sit (cf. 2 Ne. 8:22), and sit in a place of honor, as on a throne. In contrast, Babylon has been cast from a throne into the dust (cf. Isa. 47:1).

Bands of thy neck. That which holds one captive. Here referring to the curses of God placed upon scattered Israel. These curses are removed as members of the house of Israel return to the Lord and repent of their sins (D&C 113:9–10)” (Largey, Book of Mormon Reference Companion, 357).

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